Do I Need to Provide Proof of Identity When Hiring a Newcastle Solicitor?

When you are looking to hire a solicitor in Newcastle, it is important to understand the requirements for providing proof of identity. This is especially true if you are hiring a solicitor for a legal matter that requires a high level of confidentiality. In this article, we will discuss the need for providing proof of identity when hiring a Newcastle solicitor and the steps you should take to ensure your identity is protected.

What Is Proof of Identity?

Proof of identity is a document or set of documents that can be used to verify your identity. This can include things like a driver's license, passport, birth certificate, or other government-issued identification.

It is important to note that not all documents are accepted as proof of identity, so it is important to check with the solicitor you are hiring to make sure they accept the documents you have.

Why Is Proof of Identity Necessary?

When you are hiring a solicitor in Newcastle, it is important to provide proof of identity for several reasons. First, it helps to ensure that the solicitor is dealing with the correct person. This is especially important if the matter involves sensitive information or large sums of money. Second, it helps to protect both parties from fraud or other criminal activity.

Finally, it helps to ensure that the solicitor is following all applicable laws and regulations.

What Documents Should I Provide?

The documents you should provide as proof of identity will depend on the type of legal matter you are hiring the solicitor for. Generally speaking, you should provide at least one form of government-issued identification such as a driver's license or passport. You may also need to provide additional documents such as a birth certificate or marriage certificate. It is important to check with the solicitor you are hiring to make sure they accept the documents you have.

How Do I Protect My Identity?

When providing proof of identity to a solicitor in Newcastle, it is important to take steps to protect your identity.

This includes making sure that any documents you provide are kept secure and not shared with anyone else. You should also make sure that any personal information you provide is kept confidential and not shared with anyone else. Finally, if you are asked to provide any financial information such as bank account numbers or credit card numbers, make sure that this information is kept secure and not shared with anyone else.


When hiring a solicitor in Newcastle, it is important to understand the need for providing proof of identity. This includes providing at least one form of government-issued identification such as a driver's license or passport.

It is also important to take steps to protect your identity by making sure any documents or personal information provided is kept secure and not shared with anyone else. By following these steps, you can ensure that your identity is protected when hiring a Newcastle solicitor.